Work I Completed

This is the final blog post I may ever make, what a monumental moment. In terms of work (of which there is not much…), I spent this week trying to make finishing touches to WINSTON. It did not work out in my favour. I ended up breaking a new track which I didn’t have time to replace with a new one, so I was never able to create his walking. I’m not even sure he will be as good as he was at PyCon. Two years old and he has already peaked in life. He has now been submitted, and I am doing my final presentation on him next week. I do worry about the fact that he will lose many marks on the section about the project working, but I do believe this is the main section where he loses marks – every other section should be ok.

In terms of the presentation itself, I have started making a very rough draft for it. I have until next week to submit so there is no rush. I have tried using Canva to create this presentation. Canva is something that I have heard many great things about, but have never used myself. My main issue with it as of now is that I cannot put animations on individual elements the way I can in powerpoint, This is an issue mainly because of the way I present. I don’t write scripts, nor do I rehearse a lot, what I do is have each picture or dot point pop up one at a time so I can remember to speak about each of them. Since I should know my content, I am able to come up with what to say mostly on the spot. Obviously this isn’t entirely improvised, since there would be some reason for me to add it in the first place. This method merely helps me to not forget any points I think I should be making,


For my presentation next week, although scared isn’t the right word, there is some feeling of unease. Presenting in and of itself is something I am able to confidently do. Presenting in an attempt to persuade my markers to give me a mark much higher than I probably should get is something else. I definitely aim to give myself more than I expect, because I feel saying I should get 85% allows me to talk more effectively about the good parts than if I were to say I deserve 65%. In all honesty, I have no idea what I think I should get, I am just going to try to sound confident and gaslight my teacher into thinking I am smart.

It has been both exciting and scary to be entering my final full week of classes. While there is still work to be done, it is the end of a 12-year journey. This class specifically has been 2 years, plus one of general IT. 2 years of working on WINSTON, and learning about circuits, design, prototyping, testing. I have even spent a lot of time learning how to research. There have been many skills learnt, many fun-times endured, and many assignments to stress over. But as this year, and consequently school as a whole, comes to an end, I am able to look back at all these moments and be proud with the personal growth I have experienced.

Once again, this is the final blog post in this 2-year series. This is something I will not miss. Irrespective of that, I can still say ‘goodbye’ with a heavy heart one final time.