Work I completed

This week was my ICAW – In Class Assessment Week – which meant that there were no classes for four of the five days. This means that there was very little opportunity to work on anything relating to my project in or out of class. During this ICAW, I had three tests, one of which was for my Robotics and Mechatronics. The way this in class test worked was I had been researching IK systems in some more depth than I normally would have been, so I could write in more detail about IK and relate it back to the prompt in greater detail. The prompt for this task was “Mechatronic Systems lack the capabilities of humans and will never be able to replace them”. I chose to focus on this prompt in the scope of replacement in the workforce, as I felt that would be the easiest to argue. I also chose to argue against this prompt, saying that while they may be unable to do what humans do reliably now, saying that they can never replace humans is an unrealistic assumption. Since the prompt asked about the capabilities of robots, I found it made the most sense to talk about IK in moving the robot for walking, but also for precise movements that typically require careful hands.


Although I am now relieved that most of my tests for this term are over, I feel I didn’t do as well in this test as I had hoped. While I do not have the results for it yet, I feel that I didn’t have enough time to go into as much depth as I wanted, as my plan when I read the prompt did not match exactly to what I wrote. That being said, I still think I have done decently well, and definitely don’t feel as though I have done poor enough to affect my overall grade too much.