Fixing Bugs (S1, W6)

Over the last week of my robotics course, I have been trying to fix the errors with the code from the previous week, and make the servo motor controlled by an infra-red remote move while a button is held. I started off trying to understand the signals being printed...

IR Servo (S1, W5)

This week I started a new project that wasn’t apart of the Arduino Tutorial booklet. This project used the concepts I had learnt about in the previous few projects, such as IR, and Servo motors. I put these two main ideas together and attempted to make a servo...

Continuing Challenges (S1, W4)

Over the last week on IT, I have continued to work through different Arduino challenges to further develop my understanding and knowledge in robotics. The first challenge I made this week was a servo motor controlled by a potentiometer, where the angle of the...

Learning Arduino (S1, W3)

Starting my learning of robotics and mechatronics with Arduino’s meant that I have been able to construct some very basic physical systems, and start learning the programming skills for a new language. I learnt the basics about the parts of the Arduino board,...