Work I Completed

This week I had a couple lessons taken up by the AST. I have been dreading this for a while but the time had finally come. I sat it on the Tuesday and Wednesday and I was tired afterwards. It was actually not too bad but still it could never be good. There were three tests: short response, writing task, and multiple choice. The multiple choice was the best of these, as it was the most focussed on quantitative units. The other two were mainly verbal – something I am not good at.

I also spent some time working on my email to be considered to return to NCSS in 2024. There is a super small chance that I get in, as it requires an invitation to come back, but hopefully this will help push them in the right direction. This email is trying to be a humble brag for what I have done since NCSS in January. This is including Maths Day at ANU, PyCon, Lockheed Martin, ASD, PeCan+, and many more.

That is all there is to really talk about this week, hopefully next week will be more with the upcoming YICTE presentation.


This week has been stressful due to the AST, and I haven’t been able to progress in much of my IT work. I still have a lot of time before IT due dates come in, and I am pretty confident in my ability to create and present my project.