Work I Completed

This week marks the beginning of the final term of year 12. That means that, including this, 5 blog posts remain. Both exciting and scary. Anyway, this first week back meant little (no) progress with Winston, and as such this entry may be a little shorter. I spent the first lesson undergoing the mandatory generative AI rule implementation by my states secondary studies board, which was interesting, but was mainly common sense. I am sure there are elements that were more than that but I was tired and I don’t remember them.

As for the second lesson, I wasn’t there. I spent that day helping out as a supervisor for my school’s Maths Day where year 10 students from around the state (11 schools, 22 teams) came to compete in a day full of pattern recognition and computation. I unfortunately missed out on the opportunity to compete in year 10 as covid had this competition cancelled. But it was very similar to the year 12 Maths day that I did compete in this year at ANU (probably because its based on it). I spent this day with a team watching them try, struggle, fail, and succeed in all types of challenges. In the end, I think everyone had fun. It did mean that I didn’t have an IT class that day though.

In the third lesson of the week, I was being told that I had to submit the previous journal that same day, as well as having a presentation tomorrow (today technically?). This means that I also didn’t make any Winston progress that day. I instead spent that time writing my journal and ideating for my presentation. This presentation is luckily not graded, and merely an opportunity to practice presenting. I think my presenting skills are good when I understand the content, but more practice never hurts right? We can apparently opt not to present but I see no point in doing that unless I actually need to do something else during that time. More practice presenting, as painful as it may be, helps develop a very important skill that I would rather not be stressed about later.

Overall this first week, I made no progress on my major project Winston, but I got right back into class with new rules and tasks. The day I missed I don’t think had anything too important, as it is the first week back I surely can’t already be behind on tasks….


This week went by way too fast. I didn’t feel I had an opportunity to do anything productive. I definitely did have the opportunity and was just procrastinating, but it felt like I should have had more time to procrastinate. I don’t feel overly stressed about robotics, even if Winston doesn’t work he should be up to a standard high enough to do well (I hope). Its currently the other classes that are stressful; this first week I already had a maths test and an English presentation, both of which could have gone better. This coming week I also have this robotics presentation, although not assessed, but its in addition to a physics presentation and another harder maths test. I think all will be fine but there is a lot to come back to at the beginning of this final term and its already pushing me behind. I think I will be able to manage Winston once this batch of tasks pass, but only time will tell.