W.I.N.S.T.O.N is an inverse kinematics-based robotic companion, which combines artificial intelligence with dynamic locomotion to assist in tasks that the user may be unable to complete. W.I.N.S.T.O.N makes use of various sensors to traverse diverse terrains and autonomously navigate.

Purpose of this document

The purpose of this document is to define a proposed project with enough information for an informed decision to be made on whether to approve the project to proceed.

This document is the responsibility of the Project Team.

Project approval is dependent upon the document being completed and reviewed by the teacher of the project course.

  • If the project is approved, it can then begin planning and execution,
  • If the project is not approved, the Project Team can review the project and resubmit for reconsideration.

Table of Contents

Purpose of this document. 1

Table of Contents. 2

I. Project Definition Information.. 3

II. Project Idea.. 3

III. Project Purpose. 4

IV. Team Member Capabilities. 4

V. Project Outcomes/Requirement Objectives. 4

VI. Initial Scope of the Project. 5

VII. Time Objective. 5

VIII. Parties Involved.. 6

IX. Constraints. 6

X. Feasibility. 6

XI. Roles & Responsibilities. 7

XII. Initial Issues. 7

XIII. Risks. 7

XIV. Deliverables, Timeframes and Dependencies. 8

I.  Project Definition Information

Project Name:WINSTON
Project Team:Sam Sidebotham
Mentoring Teacher:Mr Edwin Griffin
Proposed Project Start Date:17/07/2023

II.  Project Idea

The proposed project is WINSTON, a robot dog with inverse-kinematics based navigation and network transmission capabilities. WINSTON (Walking Inverse-Kinematics-Based Navigation System Transmitted Over Networks) is made up of three primary sections, these include the physical body, the electronic components, and the software.

The body includes the physical elements of WINSTON – the legs, chassis, and all the smaller parts going into that, the bearings, and axels. These parts need to be carefully researched and developed in order to deliver WINSTON with full capabilities.

The second section is the electronics. This includes the microcontroller (Arduino Uno), all the wires, the battery, control system, motors, and everything else that makes the body able to move. These components are (generally) readily available and are simple to combine into complex systems.

The third and final section is the software. This is where the inverse-kinematics comes in. The inverse-kinematics will be a set of trigonometric rules used to automate movement and, although somewhat trivial in theory, will prove to be very complicated to apply to a physical build. There is a selection of libraries which will be used to make this simpler, namely the AdaFruit PWM driver library, and there will be other minor parts to the code for ease-of-life and simplicity.

III.  Project Purpose

The goal for WINSTON is to become a robot companion capable of assisting in tasks some people may just be unable to do. His small size and wireless navigation make it easy for him to get into places people may not be able to, making him ideal for certain uses. He also will have dynamic movement in all three planes, that is, he can move vertically, and lean in both directions on the horizontal plane without walking, as in full control of pitch, roll, and yaw. This will further improve his ability to assist in tasks as the complete control in movement allows reliable leaning and positioning. A secondary goal for WINSTON is to be capable of transitioning over rough terrain. He should be able to climb stairs (granted, small steps given his small size), and walk on rocky or uneven ground reliably. This allows him to achieve the primary goal better, therefore producing the ideal outcome.

IV.  Team Member Capabilities

Team MemberCapabilities
  Sam SidebothamKnowledge of Arduino C, Python Experience in mechanical research and design Experience in circuit design

V.  Project Outcomes/Requirement Objectives

Emulates dog leg movementThe design of the leg mimics that of a real dog, with the backward bending knee and a belt acting as tendons to move in the same way
Capable of walking (from IK algorithm)A successfully implemented inverse-kinematics algorithm should enable WINSTON to walk
Capable of body rotationThe dynamic approach should enable WINSTON to be able to tilt in three dimensions of movement 
Wireless control of WINSTONWINSTON should be controlled wirelessly either from commands from a computer or from a controller
PathfindingWINSTON should be able to determine the path required to get to its desired location through the use of IK

VI.  Initial Scope of the Project

In ScopeOut of Scope
Ability to carry weight load of componentsSpeed of movement
Inverse kinematics-based locomotionOperation duration greater than 10 minutes
Traverse uneven terrainAdvanced AI
 Network communicationSpeech recognition and natural language processing
User friendly interaction 
Sensor integration 

VII.  Time Objective

The timeframe for this project is: 4 weeks (to be completed by 18/08/2023)


VIII.  Parties Involved

Team Members + TeacherAble to print parts for development


IX.  Constraints

ConstraintImpact on Project Success (High/Med/Low)
 Immediate access to electronic componentsMedium 
 Accessibility of 3D printer High
 Public Space – items can get damaged Medium


X.  Feasibility

Skill RequiredResource with skill / capability
Development and testingSam – Fusion360 Arduino C 3D Printer
Electronics and Embedded SystemsSam – Arduino C Circuit Design
AlgorithmicsSam – Arduino C Python

Feasibility Scale: 73% (assuming 90% feasible in each section)

XI.  Roles & Responsibilities

Team MemberRoles / Responsibilities
 Sam SidebothamMechanical project lead Developer Tester (mechanical)

XII.  Initial Issues

Ordering components restrictions – SamOrdering most components need to be done during certain times with the mentoring teacher, lessening the time that will be allowing use of those parts
Time restraint with workload – SamHaving other classes and commitments means working on this project constantly isn’t possible, limiting the number of hours we can put in.
 Lack of 3D printer access – SamSam does not own his own 3D printer and relies on his other members to be available to print the parts.

XIII.  Risks

RiskDescriptionImpact of RiskMitigation / Reduction
Printer BreakageMember with printer is unable to produce componentsHHave found multiple people capable of carrying out task
Component shortageDelivery on essential components can reduce production significantlyHDesign and test early as to give as much time for delivery as possible

XIV.  Deliverables, Timeframes and Dependencies

Timeframe estimate: 4 Weeks

DeliverableDurationCompletion DateDependencies
WINSTON (mechanical elements)3 WeeksEnd Week 3None
WINSTON (software and IK elements)1 WeekEnd Week 4WINSTON (mechanical elements)