There is not a lot to report on this week, as the focus has been going forward with the document, as well as preparing for the test next week. We also missed one of the three lessons this week due to the moderation day in which I chose to spend too many hours on various maths topics in preparation for the test.

Having only two lessons this week didn’t really affect me overall in anything other than not having as much to write about now. But the topics in class have so far been easy to understand and, as we spent half of one of these lessons discussing, the practical project for the semester has very broad requirements, meaning I will get a lot of freedom in the choice of what I build which is definitely not a good thing since I will go very ambitious with it.

The ongoing content on the document remains informative without being extremely difficult. I am learning more efficient ways to do things that I’ll likely need to do a fair bit in the future. In terms of the test, I have some idea of how it will go, however I intend to find out more precisely what it will involve during the week. From what I know so far, the test will have some type of stimulus on the topic of ethics in robotics. The example one given to us in class was about unemployment due to automation. We are to respond to this in some way. This is where I need to inquire further. I’m not sure yet of how the response needs to be formed, but I assume I will be looking at the benefits as well as the deficits of the stimulus to write an essay styled report the topic as a whole. This shouldn’t be too challenging as we will have access to the internet, so it’s more about critical thinking than memory recall. I am also unsure on the rubric that we will be marked against, however, like I stated before, I assume it will be about the critical thinking and having a well argued point, as I don’t believe there needs to be references. This means it doesn’t need to be heavy on evidence, but more focussed on the points and how I choose to argue it.